Archive for April, 2014

Automatic drawing recognition in javascript

April 1st, 2014

When working on the android recognition app, I’ve also made version in JavaScript. Its around 60 megabytes site, so its quite unusable. And it loads so long that you can start doubting that it’s going to load at all.
To see it, better turn off AdBlock (it has a bug which prevents some sources from loading) and use chrome.
To make it harder and less usable (and lighter for my dropbox), to see this site you must first go to my experimental domain, click and type “drawings”:
. This isn’t user friendly at all, so if you type something else in the box, or delete a letter, then the site will close itself and you will loose time that you wasted waiting for it.

It could be much more compact in flash/actionscript, but I wanted to check how fast is JS. It appears to be pretty fast ; )

The “save” button

… uploads your creation to imgur.

It is hosted on my dropbox, so when the transfer is exhausted, it won’t shutdown my blog ; )

ps. the javascript isn’t compressed or uglified, so you can see how it is all made.

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