Neuron simulation experiments

December 10th, 2009
by admin

Ok, so I’ve decided to make simple flash simulations of biological neuron behaviour ( ).

I don’t want to bore you with neuron model theory, if you are here, you probably know what’s this. And if you don’t, you probably don’t want to know : )
I’ve made 3 experiments. All of them are based on real-life sodium – potassium Hodgkin-Huxley model.
First one is a 2d plot of current flow. The blue line is the input current, red and green ones are the neuron’s answer to the input current. Green is gating variable, red – neuron’s voltage.
It shows, how the current propagate in neurons connected into some kind of chain.

Drag the blue line to modify the input current. The sound, is the neuron’s response converted to waveform.
Here is the source:

The second experiment, is the 3d simulation of the same equations

Drag the stage to change camera position.
Source for this experiment:

The third experiment pictures Hodgkin-Huxley’s model bifurcations from sample vector field. It’s shown as particles propagating thourgh the vector field. Click and hold the left mouse button to shoot the particles.

Source for this experiment:

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24 Responses to “Neuron simulation experiments”

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