I had a few minutes to play with my old genie effect, so I’ve added two little features.
First one – the bounce effect. The genie seems to go too far, and then it comes back. It can be see when you open program windows ( not folder, but programs ) in OSX.
Second one – motion blur.
So there are two more parameters in the constructor, which tells GenieFx class , how far to bounce and how strong the motion blur will be:
new GenieFx(
( new demoBmp() ).bitmapData , /* object to animate - DisplayObject or BitmapData */
150 , /* x position of genie's "tail" */
0 , /* start from hidden image */
0.3 , /* bounce. 1.0 = bounce as high as the image height, 0.0 = nobounce */
8.0 /* vertical blur to simulate motion blur */
Sources: http://exp.teleranek.org/proj/genie/demo2.zip
Demo ( click the grey button-like object ):